DN404 - Finding next NFT Mint tokenIds

DN404 is a new hybrid ERC20 and ERC721 standard that aims to combine tokens and NFTs and adding more liquidity and fractionalization to NFTs. In this post, we will query storage slots of DN404 contract to determine which NFTs will be minted and ordering of NFTs when buying tokens.

Building APKs from Slack using Circle CI and Firebase cloud functions

For small teams or small projects, it might not be easy to have full self hosted CI/CD pipelines for building apks. Sharing apks within the team for testing purposes might also be difficult. With a simple Slack app and CircleCI integration in the project, we can have automated apk building and anyone can trigger the build from Slack for a branch and build variant.

Introducing Timber

Timber is a Music player for Android heavily focused on design. I have been working on this Music Player for a few months and now it has reached a stage where it can be released in Beta.

AndroidSlidingUpPanel with RecyclerView

Recently,I was working on the Chestream Android app and as it turns out, AndroidSlidingUpPanel doesn't play well with scrolling contents and since we were using RecyclerView inside SlidingPanelLayout, there were some conflicts between the srcolling intercepting of slidingpanel and recyclerview.

A look at the Transition framework of Android

With all the animations being added in the Google Play apps, I was wondering how they were being used and then I found out the Transition Framework of Android. After looking a little deeper in it, I was able to create the animation being used in the Google play apps. Here, I will be explaining a liitle about the usage of Transition Framework of Android to create a variety of animations.